Getting Started

Currently, Laksa is a javascript repository for web development, supported for Node.js and Browser.

You can easlily run Laksa in your Node.js. Or, in your SPA WebApp,using React,Vue ,Angular,or any other modern WebApp Technology. As long as it is a javascript Envirorment.

  • For React-native and vue-native user, we have to use another repo, please be patient. we will upgrade new hybrid version for those lovers.

Preparation for dev env, < Required! >

  1. make sure that you have nodejs version >= 8.0.0
  2. make sure you have upgrade npm to latest version
  3. we suggest you use yarn instead of npm
$bash > brew install nodejs # Install nodejs(Mac only),for Windows user you can download it from nodejs website
$bash > node -v # check nodejs version
v10.5.0 # we recommend you use v10.0.0 stable version
$bash > npm i -g npm@latest # Install latest version of npm
$bash > npm -v # Check npm version
6.4.1 # you should use latest npm
$bash > npm i -g yarn@latest # Install latest version of yarn
$bash > yarn -v # Check yarn version
1.9.4 # you should use latest yarn


We use Lerna.js to manage Laksa's packages, as long as run the install script, multiple packages will be install from npm or yarn. You can see those packages in your node_modules folder. The packages will be look like laksa-<foo>-<bar>-<baz>

But tranditionally, many web developers use javascript library in their html, like jquery or bootstrap commonly used, inside <script /> tag. So we provide other way to use Laksa, which will describe in later part of this document.

Install For Node.js and WebApp


$bash > npm i -S laksa #install laksa from npm
$bash > npm i -S laksa@0.0.39 # you can install specific version
$bash > npm i -S laksa@latest # you can install the latest version


$bash > yarn add laksa #install laksa from yarn
$bash > yarn add laksa@0.0.39 # you can install specific version
$bash > yarn add laksa@latest # you can install the latest version

For more npm commands, please refer to:npm docs

For more yarn commands, please refer to:yarn docs

Manually Build For HTML/Browser

If you find it hard, please wait for our release version later. You may download the production version or use directly in CDN.

  1. Make sure npm/yarn and nodejs is install correctly, we have to build it manually before we use it in HTML/script

  2. After you've install all requred env, run the following commands in your command-line

$bash > git clone && cd Laksa && yarn install && yarn dist
  1. After all install scripts are executed and finished without Error. You can find 4 files in the /dist folder, which are:

laksa.js laksa.browser.js

  1. Copy and paste the laksa.browser.js and to your html project folder, and use it in your <script /> tag
<script src="{your html project}/Laksa.browser.js"></script>

Download release version from release page.

We don't have it yet. please follow us

Use release version from CDN.

We don't have it yet. please follow us